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Zoom Privacy Update

The Zoom Dilema: AI and Ethics in Digital World

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In today’s digital age, we have increasingly come to rely on platforms such as Zoom to connect, collaborate and communicate. Artificial Intelligence (AI) advancements promise efficiency, prediction and personalization. Yet, when these two worlds collide, as they recently did with Zoom’s policy update, a cascade of ethics and dilemma emerges.

One might feel compelled to dissect and reflect upon these developments, understanding their implications and hoping to stimulate a broader discourse about our collective digital future.

The Backdrop: Zoom’s Controversial Policy Change

Aramco announces deal with Zoom at LEAP 2023 


In March, as reported by Indian Express, Zoom made a subtle change to its user agreement, granting itself the permission to utilize user data to enhance its AI capabilities. 


This decision ignited significant backlash and widespread concerns across multiple sectors. In response to the intense criticism, Zoom’s CEO, Eric Yuan, clarified that the new policy’s phrasing was due to an oversight in their process. He emphasized that there wasn’t any malicious intent behind the change.

Zoom quickly explained their new terms, saying they just want to use AI to make calls better and less tiring for users. But, adding AI like this has many ethical questions.

In an era dominated by virtual communication, companies are constantly striving to innovate and enhance user experiences. While the intentions might have been to streamline and improve virtual interactions, the discreet nature of this update revealed deeper questions about ethics that every tech giant must grapple with in the age of AI integration.


Why is this worth discussing?

  • Transparent Communication is Paramount: At the heart of every successful service lies trust- trust that is cultivated through transparent and consistent communication. When there’s a shift in policies, particularly those that can impact user data and privacy, it is vital for organizations to be upfront about it. By making changes discreetly, companies inadvertently breach the trust users place in them. Zoom’s quiet alteration of its terms, regardless of its intent, highlights the need for clear communication. It’s not just about what changes are made but also how they are conveyed.
  • Guarding Intellectual Property and Privacy: With the rise of AI’s capabilities, there’s a growing concern about the distinction between original human content and content generated by machines. What if an AI model replicates a business strategy discussed in a private meeting or a unique idea shared in a brainstorming session? Beyond replication, there’s an undeniable anxiety about the sanctity of private discussions. Are our conversations merely data points for AI training?
  • Striking a Balance – Assistance vs. Surveillance: There’s a thin line between AI tools designed to enhance user experience and those that monitor and profile user behaviors. The ethical dilemma arises when the latter becomes prevalent. For instance, does an AI that tracks participation in a meeting to improve engagement cross the boundary and become an unwanted observer?
  • Data Repositories: A Double-edged Sword: Storing vast amounts of data certainly aids in refining AI models. However, these data goldmines are also prime targets for cyberattacks. Beyond the threat of external breaches, there’s the looming concern of how companies themselves might use the data. Can users be assured that their data remains confined to its intended purpose and not be inadvertently used elsewhere or sold?
  • Ensuring Equity in AI Systems: AI, being a reflection of the data it’s trained on, can sometimes echo and perpetuate societal biases. In platforms like Zoom, this bias could manifest subtly, maybe by prioritizing certain voices or misreading cultural idiosyncrasies. The question is: How do tech giants ensure their AI tools are fair and unbiased?

“If we’re not thoughtful and careful, we’re going to end up with redlining again.”
— Karen Mills, senior fellow at the Business School and head of the U.S. Small Business Administration from 2009 to 2013

“I wouldn’t have a central AI group that has a division that does cars, I would have the car people have a division of people who are really good at AI.”
— Jason Furman, a professor of the practice of economic policy at the Kennedy School and a former top economic adviser to President Barack Obama

Reflections on Our Digital Path

The recent situation with Zoom brings to light many thoughts about our growing digital world. It’s clear that the power and convenience of AI are hard to resist. It offers us faster ways to work, new ways to communicate, and sometimes, even insights we might not have seen ourselves. But with these advantages come important questions.

What happened with Zoom is just one example of many challenges we’re going to face. As AI becomes more a part of our lives, we need to ask: Are we creating a world that serves and understands us? Or are we maybe setting the stage for a world where technology has a little too much say?

In thinking about all this, it’s clear we’re at an important moment. We’re deciding the shape of our digital future. It’s not about avoiding the good things AI brings. It’s about making sure we use them in a way that keeps our human values strong.



Meta’s Open-Source A.I. Revolution: Spreading Innovation and Collaboration

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Sharing the Crown Jewels: Meta’s Bold Move in A.I.

In a rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence (A.I.), Meta, the parent company of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, has taken a groundbreaking step. Breaking away from the norm, Meta decided to share its A.I. crown jewels with the world. The company released the underlying computer code of its A.I. system, LLaMA, as open-source software. This move allows anyone to freely access, modify, and reuse the code to create their own chatbots.

A Unique Approach: Meta’s Vision for A.I. Collaboration

While competitors like Google and OpenAI have become increasingly secretive about their A.I. methods and software, Meta has taken a different approach. Mark Zuckerberg, Meta’s CEO, believes in sharing the company’s A.I. engines as a means to accelerate progress, expand influence and foster collaboration. This open approach sets Meta apart in the A.I. landscape.

Rivals in the Shadows: Google and OpenAI’s Growing Secrecy

In the race to lead A.I., Google and OpenAI, the industry frontrunners, have become more guarded about their A.I. products. Concerns about the spread of disinformation and hate speech have led these companies to keep their A.I. methods and software under wraps. They worry about the potential misuse of A.I. tools and the impact on society.

Meta’s Open-Source Revolution: A Risky Proposition or a Path to Progress?

Critics, including Google and OpenAI, express concerns about the risks associated with an open-source approach to A.I. They question the potential misuse and the competitive threat it poses. However, Meta believes that openness is essential for widespread acceptance of A.I. technologies. They argue that consumers and governments are more likely to embrace A.I. if it remains outside the control of a few powerful companies.

Meta’s Commitment to A.I. Dominance: Unveiling Advanced Infrastructure

Undeterred by skeptics, Meta has invested heavily in A.I. for almost a decade. The company has spent billions of dollars developing software and hardware to realize the full potential of chatbots and other generative A.I. applications. it’s commitment to advancing A.I. technologies is evident in its recent hardware developments, including a new computer chip, improved supercomputer, and data center designed specifically for A.I.

LLaMA Unleashed: Meta’s Boldest Open-Source Endeavor Yet

Meta’s boldest open-source move to date was the release of LLaMA, a large language model, as open-source software. LLaMA allows researchers, academics, and developers to download the code and create their own chatbots. What sets this initiative apart is that Meta also shared the weights of the trained model, enabling rapid deployment of powerful A.I. software at a fraction of the usual cost.

The Great Divide: Differing Perspectives on Open-Sourcing A.I.

While some argue that open-sourcing A.I. technology can lead to misuse and competitive threats, others, like Yann LeCun, Meta’s chief A.I. scientist, emphasize the importance of progress through openness. LeCun believes that an open approach fosters a vibrant ecosystem where everyone can contribute, ensuring a more rapid advancement of A.I. technology.

Meta’s Strategic Advantage: Leveling the Playing Field in the A.I. Race

Meta’s open-source strategy aims to level the playing field in the intense competition with rivals like Google and OpenAI. By encouraging developers worldwide to utilize Meta’stools and contribute to the development of A.I. applications, Meta hopes to secure its position as a leader in the next wave of innovation. Their vision is to create an A.I. landscape where no single company holds exclusive control, fostering a more diverse and collaborative environment.

Beyond the Buzz: Meta’s Hardware Innovations for A.I. Prowess

Meta’s commitment to A.I. dominance extends beyond open-source initiatives. The company has been investing in advanced infrastructure to support its A.I. endeavors. Recently, Meta unveiled a new computer chip designed specifically for A.I. technologies, along with an improved supercomputer. Additionally, Meta is designing a new computer data center with a focus on A.I. capabilities. These hardware developments reflect Meta’s long-term vision for further advancements and the optimal utilization of A.I.

Embracing the Open Future: Meta’s Call for Collaboration and Progress

Meta believes that progress in A.I. is best achieved through collaboration and openness. They advocate for an open future where A.I. technology is accessible to all and not controlled by a select few. By sharing their A.I. tools and encouraging developers worldwide to contribute, it aims to create a vibrant ecosystem of innovation. They envision a world where A.I. benefits society at large, driving progress in various fields and ultimately shaping the future.

In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, Meta’s open-source A.I. revolution challenges the prevailing norms and brings forth a fresh perspective. By sharing their A.I. technology, Meta aims to empower developers and researchers, accelerate progress, and foster collaboration. While concerns and criticisms exist, Meta remains steadfast in their commitment to an open future for A.I. Their investments in advanced infrastructure and hardware further reinforce their determination to lead the way in A.I. innovation. As the A.I. race continues, only time will tell if Meta’s open approach will shape the future of A.I. or if secrecy will prevail.


Unleash the Potential of ChatGPT: The Future of Conversational AI

OpenAI’s AI chatbot, ChatGPT, is revolutionizing the tech realm with its compelling capability to generate human-like text. Acting as a catalyst for the latest tech revolution, it has gained immense popularity. If you’re unfamiliar with ChatGPT or unsure about how to utilize it, this comprehensive guide will assist you in understanding everything about it – how it operates, its possible future influence on the internet, and the best part, it’s free to use!

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, a product of OpenAI, is an AI-driven chatbot. OpenAI, an organization committed to advancing AI technology safely and ethically, developed this chatbot using the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. It’s capable of generating human-like responses to a variety of prompts and questions, thanks to a massive dataset it has been trained on. This training allows it to understand context and generate sensible replies.

How to use ChatGPT?

To start using ChatGPT, go to and sign up for a free OpenAI account if you haven’t done so already. You can easily register using your Google or Microsoft account, or with your email address. When asked for a phone number, be aware that OpenAI doesn’t accept virtual phone numbers for registration. After providing a valid phone number, a verification code will be sent which you’ll have to enter on the registration page to complete the process. Upon successful registration, there are guidelines provided for usage, which include details about possible data errors, OpenAI’s data handling practices, and the procedure for providing feedback.

The use of ChatGPT is fairly simple – input your text and get informative responses. For optimal results, experiment with different prompts and modify your instructions as necessary. You could input a request such as “provide me with a list of ingredients to make pasta” and it will generate a detailed response. However, you could enhance your request with more information such as “provide me with a list of ingredients to make spicy pasta, Indian style”, and the bot will generate a more tailored response. You can ask the bot to adjust its responses based on your feedback and ask for more information or clarification as required. Although, note that if there is a lack of data, ChatGPT might fill in gaps with inaccurate information, although this is a rare occurrence.

Moreover, the bot’s knowledge is limited to its training data, so it might not be up-to-date with recent events or developments. You can continue making requests to ChatGPT until you close your browser or reset the conversation thread, clearing all previous inputs. While using ChatGPT, you also have the option to switch between dark and light modes.

Other Examples

Since its inception, ChatGPT has been a fascinating tool for experimentation, as users test its capabilities and limitations. Discovering which prompts and follow-up questions the bot responds to is a process of trial and error, similar to traditional search engines. Users can experiment with a range of tasks such as drafting emails, generating code blocks, answering topic-specific questions, providing mental health advice, and more.

Is ChatGPT free to use?

The basic version of ChatGPT is free to use with no daily request limit. However, due to the significant operational costs, OpenAI introduced a subscription plan, Chat GPT Plus, at $20 per month. This plan offers priority access even during peak times, faster response times, and exclusive access to new features. It’s particularly useful for users experiencing capacity errors with the free version. While there is no official ChatGPT mobile app, several applications have integrated with the ChatGPT API.

ChatGPT can be accessed via a web page, eliminating the need for downloads. Since there is no official app, be cautious of counterfeit versions found on app stores. Users often encounter an “at capacity” error due to server limitations, causing some to fall for unofficial paid apps that fraudulently charge for this free service.

Who are the Creators?

ChatGPT was created by OpenAI, an AI research lab based in San Francisco. Originally a non-profit for collaboration with other researchers and institutions, OpenAI transitioned to a for-profit company in 2019 under the leadership of CEO Sam Altman. It operates on Microsoft’s Azure system infrastructure and leverages Nvidia’s GPUs.

Controversies and Concerns Surrounding ChatGPT

ChatGPT, an AI language model, has been lauded for its ability to generate human-like responses. However, its rapid evolution has sparked concerns regarding its potential influence on the internet’s future and potential job losses. A petition has been signed by numerous tech leaders and public figures requesting a slowdown in its development to address ethical considerations and potential risks. The bot has been involved in several controversies, such as JPMorgan Chase restricting its use for email generation, and passing the Wharton MBA exam with a B- to B grade. It was also used to create a puzzle game, Sumplete, which was later found to be unoriginal.

Additionally, scams disguised as the official OpenAI website have tricked users into downloading malware or paying for quicker platform access. These incidents underscore the importance of responsible AI technology development and usage like ChatGPT, with an emphasis on ethical considerations, transparency, and accountability.

Nevertheless, ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that has become a spearhead for technological innovation with its capability to generate human-like content. It offers an intriguing platform for experimentation, enabling users to explore its potential while being mindful of its limitations and potential risks.


Google’s Conversational AI Chatbot

Google Bard

Following the success of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google released its own AI chatbot called Bard. Now widely available, here’s everything you need to know about Google Bard.

What is Google Bard?

Bard is Google’s experimental, conversational AI chat service that functions similarly to ChatGPT. The key difference is that Bard pulls its information from the web, offering a broader range of knowledge. It can assist with coding, math problems and various writing needs.

When was Google Bard announced?

Bard was unveiled on February 6, accompanied by a statement from Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google and Alphabet. While Bard was a new concept at the announcement, it was powered by Google’s Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), which had been introduced two years prior.

How does Google Bard work?

Google Bard is powered by PaLM 2, Google’s most advanced large language model (LLM) unveiled at Google I/O 2023. PaLM 2 is an enhanced version of PaLM, offering greater efficiency, improved performance and fixes for previous issues. Initially, Bard used a lightweight model version of LaMDA for scalability and accessibility.

Who has access to Google Bard?

At Google I/O, it was announced that there would no longer be a waitlist for Bard, making it available to the general public. Previously, a waitlist had granted limited access to users in the US and UK on a rolling basis.

What languages is Bard available in?

At present, Bard is accessible in over 40 languages and is accessible in more than 230 countries and territories worldwide.

Controversy around Google Bard

Bard faced some challenges during its launch, including delivering inaccurate information about the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in a demo. Google acknowledged the importance of rigorous testing and initiated a Trusted Tester program to address such issues. Feedback regarding Bard’s performance indicated longer wait times, difficulty answering basic questions and a lack of automatic source inclusion. Compared to established competitors like ChatGPT and Bing Chat, Google CEO Sundar Pichai described Bard as a “souped-up Civic.”

Why did Google decide to unveil Google Bard now?

The popularity of ChatGPT, with over a million users within a week of its release, prompted Google and other tech companies to enter the AI chatbot space. Microsoft also unveiled an AI-improved Bing within the same timeframe.

Other AI services by Google

Google has developed various AI services, some of which have not been released to the public yet. Imagen, an AI image generator, is being developed as an alternative to OpenAI’s DALL-E. Additionally, Google has an AI music generator called MusicLM, but there are currently no plans for its release. Google recognizes the risks associated with these models, such as misappropriation of creative content and inherent biases in training data.

By staying at the forefront of AI chatbot technology with Bard and investing in other AI services, Google aims to provide innovative solutions while ensuring performance, accuracy, and ethical considerations.


Google Bard represents Google’s foray into the AI chatbot landscape, aiming to provide users with an experimental and conversational experience. With the ability to gather information from the web, Bard expands the breadth of knowledge it can offer. Despite facing some challenges during its launch, Google has taken steps to address concerns and improve Bard’s performance.

As the popularity of AI chatbots continues to rise, Google’s decision to introduce Bard reflects the company’s commitment to remaining competitive in the field. Additionally, Google’s development of other AI services, such as Imagen and MusicLM, showcases its ongoing exploration of AI-driven solutions across different domains.

While the technology behind Google Bard and its other AI services holds significant potential, Google also recognizes the importance of responsible development and addressing potential pitfalls. By prioritizing rigorous testing, ethical considerations and performance optimization, Google aims to provide users with cutting-edge AI tools that deliver accurate and helpful responses. As Google Bard evolves and expands its language support, it will be interesting to see how it competes with established AI chatbots and addresses user feedback. The advancements in AI technology not only provide users with powerful tools but also drive innovation and exploration in various fields.

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